Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So that was a happy ending..

The mail server work is almost complete..And I don't have words to express my relief..Thanks to Sumesh Sir for entrusting us this work..Thanks to his company
through out the period..He is such a wonderful person .
Its the attitude that differentiate people..and I have not seen another person here with better attitude and dedication . He could have sit idle in his position as the faculty in charge of CNC. But he did many things here, the most important of which is the internet connectivity in hostels.Had that not occurred , 'Bulls and Bears ' would have been a tragic episode.And for that single reason, I owe a lot to him.

It was really an exciting period.I got to work with plate servers, for the first time in life. I had a glimpse of the wonderful world of open source technologies. It certainly charged up my entrepreneur spirits .. Certailny I can see the gaps in the demand and supply chain in the IT field which are too small for established companies to fill, but which is more than enough for a young chap like me who just want to make a living.So thank you sir, for presenting something which may eventually be termed as career defining moments.

Signing off

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