Thursday, January 31, 2008


Sreedharan received CNN IBN INDIAN OF THE YEAR...
Kudos to him..Sreedharan ,One of the most inspiring lives of contemporaryIndian society..In the rank of people like APJ, Mother teresa,Manmohan Singh etc..
His name used to figure in various rankings of different magazines..Has made to the TIME'S list ,also a ususal name in India Today 50 powerful people...
Well what does it really signifies?
First of all it is really a morale booster for all those who have dedicated their lives forpublic service .Of course their selfless mind may not be longing for any recognition..But it is important to make them feel that INDIA really cares them..In a country where bollywood and cricket stars are worshipped near to GOD and wherePublic service is totally out of the lime light,such acts ,such awards, are badly required.It may not be making any difference in those people, who will certainly above such awards,but it inspires the Indian Youth to follow their foot steps.Also it may help them to think out ofblind star worship.
We certainly need Film stars and Cricket stars..But what is their service to the country..Apart from filling thier pockets , how do they make the difference in the society..Perhaps theyentertain us for a few hours..But is that sufficient to have a demi god status?I remeberwhen there was a case in the Delhi High court, lawyers of BCCI pleading that INDIAN cricket teamisa private body, with its own private business and has nothing to do with the country..I wonder if at all a situation occurs, in which the Govt decides to float its own cricketing team and use the revenue from it to eradicate poverty, how many Sachins Or Gangulies will be there to resignfrom BCCI and play for the country. Certainly they say that they play for the country,but is it for thecountry? or for personal monetary benefits and fame, One is not sure.Of course among them tehre will be people who might be doing social service, but that is only a part time business andcertainly comes only after the case of those who have dedicated their lives for the cause of others.
Personally , Sreedharan Sir is a great source of inspiration for me. May be because of the reason that he is a malluHe is a wonder to me , for that he works even at his 76th year(if I am correct)..His secrets..Yoga
I salute PADMAVIBUSHAN Shri SREEDHARAN and wish If we had more sreedharans...
Signing OffRK

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