Yesterday was my compiler lab exam. I had figured an E grade in the previous exam and hence yesterday's exam was a bit crucial for me.This is one lab for which I had spend nearly 80% of my study time.It was really great experience.But I had a terrible time in convincing Selina mam , that I did not copy and what I was showing was my own work. Mam seemed to come to the lab with a bit of prejudice.It felt to me that she had already made up her mind whom to give 'S',whom to give 'A' and whom to give 'F'.Once you make a good impression , its easy going. They will hardly look into your program.Else, Its going to be hard time.I was a bit disappointed at this.Because I was always bad at impressing someone with my communication skills. But soon I got used to it.And happily I got an A grade,yesterday. But the most happy thing is that Vigil,my lab partner, managed an "S' grade.:)Kudos to him.
Well this is a lab which taught me what programming is.Now I feel that I have become more confident to approach a problem.Programming is an art. And any artistic work requires immense amount of concentration,skill and taste. I call programming an art,because programming requires all these.U need to have immense concentartion else you can be sure that you are going to mess up everything.By skill, I mean the ability to think and analyse.Thinking is the core of programming. Its really ammazing to explore different paths so as to solve a particular problem.And finally taste,well this gives you enough endurance or keep ur tempo till the last.
"The biggest reward of love is the feeling of love ".Similarly ,"the biggest reward of programming is the feel of programming.".This is something to be experianced. I am happy that I had a bit of such an experiance in this semester first with 'Bulls N Bears' and then with the compiler lab. Now I am looking forward to the mini project.Want to make it great.
I have already made up mind on the tpoic for the next post. Well its heading is going to be
"Falling in love with Segmentation Fault ".
Thats for now
Signing off
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