There was a period, I suppose some where after the 1 st Sem that there was something at the backdrop of my mind which disturbed me quite badly.
I was struggling to figure what I was doing at NITC.I have been a computer science student and still I did not have any idea what computer science is all about.The classes of maths, EC and Electrical was hell for me.I could never never understand why I should study bloody network theory,intricacies of motors,higher integeral and differential equations and the likes.Mugging highly useless 'substances' and vomiting it in the examination paper had become a routine exercise during the period.It was all done when my mind was struggling to find out what my dearest computer science could offer me. And it continued , perhaps till the end of fourth sem.
Well, I intended to write something else.I somehow deviated from the topic.May be I would continue at a later stage.As usual,let me pen down its heading,
"The anatomy of B tech curriculum in computer science".So two posts are pending now.
1.The anatomy of B tech curriculum in computer science
2.Falling in love with segmentation fault.
Add to it,
3.The great great Bulls and Bears , and lets make it three.
Now coming to the topic which I really wanted to write in this post.I have a feeling that I waste a lot of time in planning:
Planning the days activities,Planning studies,planning future etc. And often much of the time is wasted on it.Not on the execution but on the process of planning.Now I think its time for me to stop that habit.Continuously worrying (or may be perhaps thinking about the future) is sure to kill you if you have surrendered to it.It makes the life hectic.Pointedness is what u require in your life.A complete dedication to what you are doing at the moment, a state of 100% concentration.It makes the life more comfortable.It spares you a lot of time and energy.I have always felt that its not the tight schedule but the mental exercise of worrying about the schedule, really makes the life miserable.I wish for the day (or perhaps a mental state to be more precise),when I could completely free my mind from all anxieties about the future, from all regrets about the past.I wish for the day when I could say 'I Live This Moment'.Good luck me :)
Signing off
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