Saturday, September 24, 2011


U think of a product and search google...c at least a dozen of similar existing ones in the market(the lucky early starters)...adding insult to injury is that all would be based in india..

So, has the world got all that good things it require....isn't there one more good thing it would love to have...What could be the next google,apple or fb?...or rather a much modest product

Sleepless nights...brain storming thoughts ...
but the bottom of it is that I am enjoying it...
And that is what matters more....


Anonymous said...

Is it possible to think and plan for a path breaking product?!! I always thought it just happens.. :)


Odakuzhal said...

No I am much need not be path breaking...but it has to get sold by itself....or rather with a little effort...they say that entrepreneurs always find an in efficiency in a system and tries to rectify the thought was what is the inefficiency that I can see around....